Paris Cityscapes

Yeah, it's a pretty city and all, but the smog and haze are of Los Angeles magnitude. Your standard panaroma shots just won't work.

gard The Republican Guard! I was impressed.
hotel In the Halles area. A fairly standard 'hotel'.
hoteldeville Hotel De Ville! I just like the sound of it after a few glasses of red wine. Really over do it, too. Hohhhh-Tell DuhVeeeeeee! Hohhhh-Tell DuhVeeeeeee! *Slap*
metro sign The Metro rocks! None of this third-world-NYC-subway stuff. This is a class operation.
metro front Not quite the steel-mill atmosphere of the London Underground. Mind the gap, feh!
metro back That's right, bub, just walk right into the picture. Nope, I didn't just wait 10 minutes for the place to clear. No, go right ahead.

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